GKK biblioteka
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* - literatūros šaltinis patenka daugiau negu į vieną poziciją
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[D.Krup.] – D. Krupickaitės knyga, kreiptis .
P.s. Dauguma leidinių (išskyrus pažymėtus santrumpomis) registruoti GMF bibliotekoje, o saugomi Geografijos ir kraštotvarkos katedros fonduose.
Geografijos teorija
Inkpen R. (2005). Science, Philosophy and Physical Geography. L., N.Y.: Routledge.*
Bergman E. F., Renwick W. H. (2003). Introduction to Geography: People, Places and Environment. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.
Douglas I., Huggett R., Robinson M. (eds) (2002). Companion Encyclopedia of Geography: The Environment and Humankind. L.: Routledge.
Holloway S., Rice S., Valentine G. (ed) (2003). Key Concepts in Geography. L.: Sage Publ.
Holt-Jensen A. (1999). Geography – History and Concepts: A Student’s Guide. L.: Sage Publ.
Krupickas R. (2010). Sistemų teorija ir geografija. Vilnius, Didakta.
Matthews J. A., Herbert D. T. (eds) (2004). Unifying Geography: Common Heritage, Shared Future. L., N.Y.: Routledge.
Short J. R. (2000). Alternative Geographies. Harlow: Prentice Hall.
Storey D. (2001). Territory: the Claiming of Space. Harlow: Prentice Hall.
Geografijos metodologija
Dmitrijeva V. V., Fiodorova A. S. (2004). Programmy polevych učiobnych praktik Fakulteta Geografii i geoekologii SpbGU. S. Pb. [Kat.].
DIERKE Wörterbuch der Allgemeinen Geographie (1993). Bd. 12. München, Braunschweig: dtv / Westermann. [D.Krup.] Leser, H. (Hrsg.) (1997). DIERKE Wörterbuch Allgemeine Geographie(1993). Bd. 12. Braunschweig: Westermann / Deutsher Taschenbuch Verlag. [D.Krup.]
Parsons T., Knight P. G. (2005). How To Do Your Dissertation in Geography and Related Disciplines. 2nd ed. L., N.Y.: Routledge.
Valentine G., Clifford N. (eds) (2003). Key Methods in Geography. L.: Sage Publ.
Brewer C. A. (2005). Designing Better Maps: A Guide for GIS Users. ESRI.
Dorling D., Fairbairn D. (1997). Mapping: Ways of Representing the World. Harlow: Prentice Hall.
Keates J. S. (1996). Understanding Maps. 2nd ed. Harlow: Longman.
MacEachren A. M. (2004). How Maps Work. Representation, Visualization, and Design. N.Y., L.: The Guilford Press.
Minami M. (2000). Using ArcMap. Redlands (CA): Environmental Systems Research Institute., 2 egz.
Mount N., Harvey G., Aplin P., Priestnall G. (eds.) (2009). Representing, modeling, and visualizing the natural environment.
Pickles J. (2006). History of Spaces: Cartographic Reason, Mapping and the Geo-Coded World. L.: Routledge.
Rose G. (2001). Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to the Interpretation of Visual Materials. L.: Sage Publ.
Bendroji gamtinė geografija
Barsch H. et al. (2000). Arbeitsmethoden in Physiogeographie und Geoökologie. Gotha, Stuttgart: Klett-Perthes.*
Dieren, van, W. (ed) (1995). Taking Nature into Account. A Report to the Club of Rome. New York. [Kat.]*
Inkpen R. (2005). Science, Philosophy and Physical Geography. L., N.Y.: Routledge.*
Heineberg, H. (2003). Einführung in die Anthropogeographie / Humangeographie. Padeborn: Ferdinand Schöningh. [D.Krup.]
Prescott-Allen R. (2001). The Wellbeing of Nations: A Country-by-Country Index of Quality of Life and the Environment. Washington: Island Press.*
Environment in the European Unijon at the turn of the century. (1999). Environmental assessment report No. 2.
Gore A. (2008). Nepatogi tiesa. Bauginanti tiesa apie visuotinį klimato atšilimą ir tai, ką galime pakeisti. Kaunas, Obuolys. [Kat.]
Hugget R. J. (2006). The Natural History of the Earth.
Hugget R. J. (2007). Fundamentals of geomorphology. 2nd edition
Kilkus. K. (2005). Ežerotyra. Vadovėlis aukštosioms mokykloms. Vilnius. [Kat.]
Lietuvos augalinio rūbo struktūra: profesorės Marijos Natkevičaitės-Ivanauskienės požiūris. (2005). Vilnius. [Kat.]
Motuzas A. J., Buivydaitė V. V., Vaisvalavičius R., Šleinys R. A. (2009). Dirvotyra. Vilnius, Enciklopedija, 336 p. – 4 egzemplioriai [Kat.]
Navys E. V. (2008). Sumedėjusių augalų ištvermingumo zonos Lietuvoje, žiemos pakenkimai ir jų vertinimas. Vilnius. [Kat.]
Oliver J. E. (1979). Physical Geography: Principles and Applications. North Scituate: Duxburry Press. [Kat.].
Porteous A. (2003). Dictionary of Environmental Science & Technology. 3rd ed. Chichester: J. Wiley & S.
Smithson P., Addison K., Atkinson K. (2002). Fundamentals of the Physical Environment. 3rd ed. L., N. Y.: Routledge.
Strahler A., Strahler A. (2002). Physical Geography: Science and Systems of the Human Environment. N.Y.: J.Wiley & S.
Tockner K., Robinson Ch. T., Uehlinger U. (Eds.). (2009). Rivers of Europe. Academic Press, Elsevier.*
Gerrard J. (2003). Fundamentals of soils.
Rowell D. L. (2002). Soil Science: Methods & Applications. Harlow: Prentice Hall.
Troeh F. R., Hobbs J. A., Donahue R. L. (1999). Soil and Water Conservation: Productivity and Environmental Protection. 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.*
White R. E. (2005). Principles and Practice of Soil Science. 4th ed. Malden: Blackwell Publ.
Bradbury I. K. (1998). The Biosphere. 2nd ed. Chichester: J.Wiley & S.
Huggett R. J. (2004). Fundamentals of biogeography. 2nd ed. L., N. Y.: Routledge.
Jeffries M. (2005). Biodiversity and Conservation. ISBN 978-0-415-34300-8*
Tivy J. (1999). Biogeography: A Study of Plants in the Ecosphere.3rd ed. Harlow: Longman.
Hugget R. J. (2006). The Natural History of the Earth.
Van Andel T. H. (1994). New Views on an Old Planet: A History of Global Change. 2nd ed. Cambridge Univ. Press. [Dvar].
Barsch H. et al. (2000). Arbeitsmethoden in Physiogeographie und Geoökologie. Gotha, Stuttgart: Klett-Perthes.*
Bashkin V. N. (2002). Modern Biogeochemistry. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publ.
Bučienė A. (2003). Žemdirbystės sistemų ekologiniai ryšiai. Klaipėda. 2 egz. [Kat.]
Djakonov K. N. (otv. red.) (2006). Landšaftovedenije: teorija, metody, regional‘nyje issledovanija, praktika: Materialy XI Meždunarodnoj landšaftnoj konferencii. M.: Geografičeskij fakultet MGU. [Kat.].
Dobroliubov S. A. (otv. red.) (2006). Landšaftnoje planirovanije: obščije osnovanija, metodologija, technologija: Trudy Meždunarodnoj školy-konferencii. M.: Geografičeskij fakultet MGU. [Kat.].*
Farina A. (2000). Principles and Methods in Landscape Ecology. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publ.
Hites R. A. (2007). Elements of Environmental Chemistry.
Leitao A. B., Miller J., Ahern J. (2006). Measuring Landscapes: A Planner’s Handbook. Washington: Island Press.*
Tockner K., Robinson Ch. T., Uehlinger U. (Eds.). (2009). Rivers of Europe. Academic Press, Elsevier.*
Wylie J. (2007). Landscape. L., N.Y.: Routledge.
Bendroji visuomeninė geografija
Agnew J., Livingstone D. N., Rogers A. (eds) (2003). Human Geography. An Essential Anthology. Malden: Blackwell.
Benko G., Strohmayer U. (2004). Human Geography: A History for the Twenty First Century. L.: Arnold.
Cloke P., Cook I., Crang Ph. et al. (2004). Practising Human Geography. L.: Sage Publ.
Dorling D. (2005). Human Geography of the UK. L.: Sage Publ.
Isard W., Azis I.J., Drennan M.P., Miller R.E., Saltzman S., Thorbecke E. (1998). Methods of Interregional and Regional Analysis. Aldershot [...]: Ashgate.
Johnston R., Gregory D. et al. (eds) (2003). The Dictionary of Human Geography. Oxford: Blackwell.
Johnston R., Sidaway J. (eds) (2004). Geography and Geographers: Anglo-American Human Geography since 1945. 6th ed. L.: Hodder Arnold.
Kitchin R., Tate N. J. (2000). Conducting Research in Human Geography: Theory, Methodology & Practice. Harlow: Prentice Hall.
Prescott-Allen R. (2001). The Wellbeing of Nations: A Country-by-Country Index of Quality of Life and the Environment. Washington: Island Press.*
Politinė geografija
Agnew J. (2002). Making Political Geography. L.: Arnold.
Ante,U. (1981). Politische Geographie, Braunschweig: Westermann. [D.Krup.]
Agnew J. (2003). Geopolitics: Re-visioning World Politics. L., N.Y.: Routledge.
Blacksell M. (2006). Political Geography. L., N. Y.: Routledge.
Ciattoni, A. & Veyret, Y. (2007). Géographie et géopolitique des énergies. Paris.*
Damanski R. (ed) (1999). The Changing Map of Europe. A tribute to Antoni Kuklinski. Warsaw. [Kat.]
Johnston R., Pattie Ch. (2006). Putting Voters in their Place: Geography and Elections in Great Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Lopata R. (1997). Tarptautinių santykių istorija. Paskaitų konspektai. Vilnius, Lietuvos istorijos instituto leidykla.
O‘Tuathail G., Dalby S., Routledge P. (ed) (2005). The Geopolitics Reader. 2nd ed. L., N.Y.: Routledge.
Taylor P., Flint C. (2000). Political Geography: World – economy, nation – state and locality. Harlow: Prentice Hall.
Woyke, W. (1995). Handwörterbuch Internationale Politik. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. [D.Krup.] Kultūros geografija
Richards P., Robertson I. (eds) (2003). Studying Cultural Landscapes. L.: Arnold.*
Shurmer-Smith P. (ed) (2003). Doing Cultural Geography. L.: Sage Publ.
Zelinsky W. (2001). The Enigma of Ethnicity: Another American Dilemma. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press.
Ekonominė geografija
Armstrong H., Taylor J. (2003). Regional Economics and Policy. 3rd ed. Malden: Blackwell.*
Ciattoni, A. & Veyret, Y. (2007). Géographie et géopolitique des énergies. Paris.*
Gylys P. (2008). Ekonomika, antiekonomika ir globalizacija. Vilnius, Vilniaus u-to leidykla. [Kat.]*
Maier J., Beck R. (2000). Allgemeine Industriegeography. Gotha, Stuttgart: Klett-Perthes.*
Clark G., Gertler M. S., Feldman M. P. (eds.) (2003). The Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hudson R. (2005). Economic Geographies: Circuits, Flows and Spaces. L.: Sage Publ.
Reshaping economic geography: overview. World development report 2009, second edition. [Kat.]
Stutz, F., & Warf, B. (2005). The world economy: Resources, location, trade, and development (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Socialinė geografija
Imparato I., Ruster J. (2003). Slum upgrading and participation: lessons from Latin America. [Kat.]
Flaig, B. B., Meyer, T., Ueltzhöffer, J. (1997). Altagsästhetik und politische Kultur. Bonn: Dietz. [D.Krup.] Fliedner, D. (1993). Sozialgeographie, Berlin, New York: de Gruyter. [D.Krup.] [D.Krup.] Friedrichs, J. (1985). Methoden empirischer Sozialforschung, Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag. [D.Krup.]
Panelli R.. (2004). Social Geographies: From Difference to Action. L.: Sage Publ.
Valentine G. (2001). Social Geographies. Harlow: Prentice Hall.
Werlen, B. (2000). Sozialgeographie: Eine Einführung. Bern, Stuttgart, Wien: Verlag Paul Haupt. [D.Krup.]
Urbanistinė geografija
Antoniou J. (2004). Miestai seniau ir dabar. Kaunas, Šviesa. [Kat.]
Benton-Short L., Short J. R. (2007). Cities and Nature. ISBN 978-0-415-35589-6*
Berry B. J. L., Wheeler J. D. (eds.) (2005). Urban geography in America, 1950-2000.
Bridge G., Wattson S. (eds) (2003). A Companion to the City. Oxford: Blackwell.
Benevolo, L. (2000). Die Geschichte der Stadt, Frankfurt-New York: Campus Verlag GmbH. [D.Krup.] Curdes, G. (1997). Stadtstruktur und Stadtgestaltung, Stuttgart/Berlin/Köln: Kohlhammer. [D.Krup.]
Cullingworth B., Nadin V. (2004). Town and Country Planning in the UK. 13th ed. L., N.Y.: Routledge.*
Greed C., Roberts M. (2003). Introducing Urban Design: Interventions and Responses. Harlow: Longman.
Gaebe, W. (1987). Verdichtungsraume, Stuttgart: B.G. Teubner. [D.Krup.] Gaebe, W. (2004). Urbane Räume, Stuttgart: Eugen Ulmer. [D.Krup.]
Friedrichs, J. (1983). Stadtanalyse: soziale und räumliche Organisation der Gesellschaft, Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag. [D.Krup.]
Hall, P., Pfeiffer, U. (2000). Urban 21: Der Expertenbericht zur Zukunft der Städte. Stuttgart, München: Deutshe Verlags-Anstalt GmbH. [D.Krup.] Häußermann, H., Siebel, W. (1992). Urbanität als Lebensweise. Zur Kritik der Austattungskultur, Informationen zur Raumentwicklung, Heft 1: 29-35. [D.Krup.] Heineberg, H. (1989). Stadtgeographie.Grundriss allgemeiner Geographie, Teil 10. Padeborn: Ferdinand Schöningh. [D.Krup.] Hennings, W. (1997). Stadt und Städtisches Leben im Fachübergreifenden Unterricht. Gotha, Stuttgart: Klett-Perthes. [D.Krup.] Hofmeister, B. (1993). Stadtgeographie, Braunschweig: Westermann. [D.Krup.] Holt-Jensen, E. Pollock (eds.) (2008). Urban sustainability and governance: new challenges in Nordic-Baltic housing policies. New York: Nova Science Publishers. [D.Krup.] Hotzan, J. (1997). dtv-Atlas Stadt, München: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag. [D.Krup.] Hübner, W. (1984). Stadtgeographie, Bonn. [D.Krup.] Lenkevičiūtė, J.(2005). Vilnius im Wandel. Wohnsegregation in einer ostmitteleuropäischen Hauptstadt. Berlin: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag. [D.Krup.] Lichtenberger, E. (1991). Stadtgeographie, Bd. 1. Stuttgart: B.G. Teubner. [D.Krup.] Lichtenberger, E. (2002). Die Stadt. Von der Polis zur Metropolis. Darmstadt: Primus Verlag. [D.Krup.] Mönninger, M. (Hrsg.) (1999). Stadtgesellschaft. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag. [D.Krup.] LeGates R. T., Stout F. (eds) (2003). The City Reader. 3rd ed.L., N.Y.: Routledge.
Lindner Ch. (ed.) (2006). Urban space and cityscapes: perspectives from modern and contemporary culture.
Maier J., Beck R. (2000). Allgemeine Industriegeography. Gotha, Stuttgart: Klett-Perthes.*
Marshal St.(2009). Cities design and evolution.
Morris A. E. J. (2002). History of Urban Form Before the Industrial Revolution. L.: Prentice Hall.
Nicolaides B. M., Wiese A. (eds.) (2006). The Suburb Reader.
Pacione M. (2005). Urban Geography: A Global Perspective. 2nd ed. L., N. Y.: Routledge.
Pappenheimer, M. (2008). Die Entwicklung der hochrangigen unternehmensorientierten Dienstleistungen in der Altstadt von Vilnius. Diplomarbeit. Otto-Friedrich-UniversitätBamberg. [D.Krup.]
Robbins E., El-Khoury R. (ed) (2004). Shaping the City: Studies in History, Theory and Urban Design. N.Y., L.: Routledge.
Smith M. P. (2000). Transnational Urbanism. Locating Globalisation. Oxford: Balckwell. [P.KAVAL.]
Stadler, M. (2006). GIS-Gestützte, vergleichende Analyse verschiedener Bürostandorte im Zentrum von Vilnius/Litauen. Diplomarbeit. Otto-Friedrich-UniversitätBamberg. [D.Krup.] Schwarz, G. (1989). Allgemeine Siedlungsgeographie, B. 1-2, Berlin, New York: de Gruyter. [D.Krup.]
Taylor N. (2003). Urban Planning Theory since 1945. L.: Sage Publ.*
Ward S. V. (1994). Planning and Urban Change. L.: P. Chapman Publ.*
Wilson A. (2000). Complex Spatial Systems: The Moddeling Foundations of Urban and Regional Analysis. Harlow: Prentice Hall.*
Zehner, K. (2001). Stadtgeographie, Gotha, Stuttgart: Klett-Perthes. [D.Krup.]
Žaromskis R. (2008). Baltijos jūros uostai. Vilnius. [Kat.]
Kaimo geografija
Arnold A. (1997). Allgemeine Agrargeographie. Gotha, Stuttgart: Klett-Perthes.
Maurel M.-C., Lacquement G. (2007). Agriculture et ruralité en Europe centrale. Montreuil, Aux lieux d’être.
Lienau, C. (2000). Die Siedlungen des Ländlichen Raumes. Braunschweig: Westermann. [D.Krup.]
Woods M. (2005). Rural Geography: Processes, Responses and Experiences in Rural Restructuring. L.: Sage Publ.
Preston S. H., Heuveline P., Guillot M. (2002). Demography: Measuring and Modeling Population Processes. Oxford, Malden: Blackwell.
Rekreacinė ir turizmo geografija
Benthien B. (1997). Geographie der Erholung und des Tourismus. Gotha: J. Perthes.
Bähr, J. (2000). Bevölkerungsgeographie, 3. Auflage, Stuttgart: Verlag Eugen Ulmer. [D.Krup.] Bliedung, S., Riesthuis, G. A. J. (1995). Multilingual Dictionary Demography. Bonn: Informationszentrum Sozialwissenschaften. [D.Krup.] Davidoff P. G., Davidoff D. S., Eyre J. D. (1995). Tourism Geography.Englawood Cliffs: Simon & Schuster.
Fennell D. A. (2007). Ecotourism. ISBN 978-0-415-42931-
Hall M., Page S. J. (2005). The Geography of Tourism and Recreation: Environment, Place and Space.2nd ed. L., N.Y.: Routledge.
Glushkova, V. G., J. A. Simagina (2008). Demografija. Moskva: Knorus. [rusų k.] [D.Krup.]
Kuls, W., F.-J. Kemper (2000). Bevölkerungsgeographie, Stuttgart-Leipzig: B. G. Teubner. [D.Krup.] Mueller, U. (1993). Bevölkerungsstatistik und Bevölkerungsdynamik. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter. [D.Krup.] Mueller, U., Nauck, B., Diekmann, A.(Hrg.) (2000). Handbuch der Demographie, B. 1-2. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York , Barcelona, Hongkong, London, Mailand, Singapore, Tokio: Springer. [D.Krup.] Roloff, J. (2003). Demographischer Faktor. Hamburg: eva / Sabine Groenewold Verlage. [D.Krup.] Szsell, G. (Hrg.) (1972). Regionale Mobilität. München: Nymphenburger Texte zur Wissenschaft. [D.Krup.] Volgina, N. A,, L. L. Rybakovskij (2005). Demografija. Moskva: Logos. [rusų k.] [D.Krup.] Медков В.М. (2004). Демография. Москва : ИНФРА-М. [D.Krup.]
Torkildsen G. (2005). Leisure and Recreation Management. 5th ed L., N. Y.: Routledge.
Bendroji kraštotvarka
Baker S. (2005). Sustainable Development. ISBN 978-0-415-28211-6
Barry J. (2006). Environment and Social Theory. ISBN 978-0-415-37616-7
Benton-Short L., Short J. R. (2007). Cities and Nature. ISBN 978-0-415-35589-6*
Butterfield J., Bingham S., Savory A. (2006). Holistic Management Handbook: Healthy Land, Healthy Profits. Washington: Island Press.
Cullingworth B., Caves R. W. (2009). Planning in the USA: policies, issues, and processes. 3rd edition.
Dinar A., Albiac J., Sanchez-Soriano J. (eds.) (2008).Game Theory and Policymaking in Natural Resources and the Environment. ISBN 978-0-415-77422-2
Elliott J. A. (2006). An Introduction to Sustainable Development. 3rd ed L.: Routledge.
Glasson J., Therivel R., Chadwick A. (2006). Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment. 3rd ed L., N. Y.: Routledge.
Marshal St. (2009). Cities design and evolution.
Miller N. (2008). Environmental Politics. ISBN 978-0-415-96106-6
Mitrasinovic M. (2006). Total Landscape, Theme Parks, Public Space. Aldershot, Burlington: Ashgate.
Nacionalinė darnaus vystymosi strategija. (2003).Vilnius. [Kat.]
Newson M. (2008). Land, Water and Development ISBN 978-0-415-41946-8
O‘Neil J., Holland A., Light A. (2007). Environmental Values. ISBN 978-0-415-14509-1
Richards P., Robertson I. (ed) (2003). Studying Cultural Landscapes. L.: Arnold.*
Steiner F. (2002). Human Ecology: Following Nature’s Lead. Washington: Island Press.
Wheeler St. M. (2008). Sustainable Urban Development Reader ISBN 978-0-415-45382-0
Whitehead M. (2006). Spaces of Sustainability. ISBN 978-0-415-35804-0*
Strateginis ir teritorinis planavimas
Auf der grünen Wiese. Die Universität Trier: Architektur, Kunst, Landschaft. (2004). [Kat.]
Albers, G. (1988). Stadtplanung, Eine praxisorientierte Einführung, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. [D.Krup.] Braam, W. (1999). Stadtplanung: Aufgabenbereiche – Planungsmethodik – Rechtsgrundlagen, Düsseldorf: Werner. [D.Krup.] Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung (2001). Schlanker und effektiver Regionalplan. Forschungen H. 101. Bonn. [D.Krup.]
Cullingworth B., Nadin V. (2004). Town and Country Planning in the UK. 13th ed. L., N.Y.: Routledge.*
Dobroliubov S. A. (otv. red.) (2006). Landšaftnoje planirovanije: obščije osnovanija, metodologija, technologija: Trudy Meždunarodnoj školy-konferencii. M.: Geografičeskij fakultet MGU. [Kat.].*
Dietrichs, B. (2000). Regionalplanung, ein systematisches Überblick, Studien zur Raumplanung, 4, München: Technische Universität München. [D.Krup.] Dietrichs, B., A. Fritzsche, F. Ismaier (2000). Nachhaltigkeitsindikatoren für eine ausgewogene Entwicklung für Gemeinden, Kreisen, Städten und Regionen, Studien zur Raumplanung, 3, München: Technische Universität München. [D.Krup.] Fischer, G. (1973). Praxisorientierte Theorie der Regionalforschung, Tübingen. [D.Krup.]
Leitao A. B., Miller J., Ahern J. (2006). Measuring Landscapes: A Planner’s Handbook. Washington: Island Press.*
Grundriß der Landes- und Regionalplanung (1999). Hannover: Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung. [D.Krup.] Hamm, B., I. Neumann (1996). Siedlungs-, Umwelt- und Planungssoziologie. Leske+Budrich, Opladen. [D.Krup.] Huber, B. (1989/1990). Städtebau – Raumplanung, Zürich: Verlag der Fachvereine an den schweizerischen Hochschulen und Techniken. [D.Krup.] Kilper, H. (Ed.) (2009). German Annual of Spatial Research and Policy 2009. New Disparities in Spatial Development in Eurpoe. Heidelberg, Dordrecht, London, New York: Springer. [D.Krup.] Lauschmann, E. (1973). Grundlagen einer Theorie der Regionalpolitik, Taschenbücher zur Raumplanung, Bd. 2, Hannover: Gebrüder Jänecke Verlag. [D.Krup.] Lendi, M. (1996). Grundriss einer Theorie der Raumplanung, 3. Auflage, Zürich: vdf. [D.Krup.]
Reeves D. (2005). Planning for Diversity: Policy and Planning in a World of Difference. L., N.Y.: Routledge.
Selman P. (2000). Environmental Planning: The Conservation and Development of Biophysical Resources.2nd ed. L.: Sage Publ.
Spitzer, H. (1995). Einführung in die räumliche Planung. Stuttgart: Ulmer. [D.Krup.]
Taylor N. (2003). Urban Planning Theory since 1945. L.: Sage Publ.*
Ward S. V. (1994). Planning and Urban Change. L.: P. Chapman Publ.*
Teritorinis valdymas ir teritorijų apsauga
Armstrong H., Taylor J. (2003). Regional Economics and Policy. 3rd ed. Malden: Blackwell.*
Berkowitz A. R., Nilon Ch. H., Hollweg K. S. (2003). Understanding Urban Ecosystems: A New Frontier for Science and Education. N.Y.: Springer.
Dieren, van, W. (ed) (1995). Taking Nature into Account. A Report to the Club of Rome. New York. [Kat.]*
European Environment Agency (2005). The European Environment – State and Outlook 2005. Copenhagen. [Kat.]
Jeffries M. (2005). Biodiversity and Conservation. ISBN 978-0-415-34300-8*
Perman R., Common M. et al. (2003). Natural Resource and Environmental Economics. 3rd ed. Harlow: Pearson Ed.
The European Environment – State and outlook 2005. (2005). Copenhagen, European Environment Agency. [Kat.]
Troeh F. R., Hobbs J. A., Donahue R. L. (1999). Soil and Water Conservation: Productivity and Environmental Protection. 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.*
Whitehead M. (2006). Spaces of Sustainability. ISBN 978-0-415-35804-0*
Wilson A. (2000). Complex Spatial Systems: The Moddeling Foundations of Urban and Regional Analysis. Harlow: Prentice Hall.*
Gide Ch., Rist Ch. (1932). Ekonominių teorijų istorija. Nuo fiziokratų iki mūsų laikų. Kaunas, Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto teisių fakulteto leidinys, 776 psl. [Kat.]
Gylys P. (2008). Ekonomika, antiekonomika ir globalizacija. Vilnius, Vilniaus u-to leidykla. [Kat.]*
Hagoort G. (2005). Meno vadyba verslo stiliumi. Vilnius, Kronta. [Kat.]
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